Research Papers: risk

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Title and Authors Year Vol (Issue) Pages HTML PDF
Analysis of Customer Satisfaction and the Customer Experience in Digital Payments: A Meta-Analysis Review
Agarwal, S., Malik, P., & Gautam, S.
Keywords: functional quality, perceived value, trust, service quality, perceived risk
2023 18 (1) 1-17 Analysis of Customer Satisfaction and the Customer Experience in Digital Payments: A Meta-Analysis Review Analysis of Customer Satisfaction and the Customer Experience in Digital Payments: A Meta-Analysis Review
Supply chain risk management enablers - A framework development through systematic review of the literature from 2000 to 2015
Kilubi, I., & Haasis, H.-D.
Keywords: supply chain risk management, supply chain risk(s), supply chain performance, supply chain disruption(s), systematic literature review, enabler(s), conceptual framework
2015 10 (1) 35-54 Supply chain risk management enablers - A framework development through systematic review of the literature from 2000 to 2015 Supply chain risk management enablers - A framework development through systematic review of the literature from 2000 to 2015
Regulating employees' health behaviors: The effects of personal health-related orientations on legitimacy perceptions of organizational programs and policies
Klautke, H., & Park, H.S.
Keywords: worksite, health, smoking, fitness, health risk appraisal
2011 6 (1) 1-15 Regulating employees' health behaviors: The effects of personal health-related orientations on legitimacy perceptions of organizational programs and policies Regulating employees' health behaviors: The effects of personal health-related orientations on legitimacy perceptions of organizational programs and policies
Book Review: Always-On Enterprise Information Systems for Business Continuance, Technologies for Reliable and Scalable Operations
Alshamaila, Y.
Keywords: business continuance, enterprise information systems (eis), risk and disaster management, it research and theory, it policy and governing
2011 6 (2) 55-57 Book Review: Always-On Enterprise Information Systems for Business Continuance, Technologies for Reliable and Scalable Operations Book Review: Always-On Enterprise Information Systems for Business Continuance, Technologies for Reliable and Scalable Operations
Supply chain risk management: review, classification and future research directions
Singhal, P., Agarwal, G., & Mittal, M.L.
Keywords: supply chain risk management, risk, uncertainty, literature review
2011 6 (3) 15-42 Supply chain risk management: review, classification and future research directions Supply chain risk management: review, classification and future research directions